
SmartPaper" is a reusable display material that has many of the properties of regular paper:
- stores an image
- viewed in reflective light
- has a wide viewing angle
- flexible
- relatively inexpensive
Unlike conventional paper, however, it is electrically writeable and erasable.

Produced in a roll, like old-fashioned paper,
SmartPaper" is actually two sheets of thin plastic
with millions of tiny bichromal beads
embedded in between.
Each bead is smaller than a grain of sand
and has a different color on each half or side .
The hemispheres are also charged differently
(i.e. positive or negative).
SmartPaper" beads reside in their own cavities
within the flexible sheet of material, so that under
the influence of a voltage applied to the surface, they
rotate to present one side or the other to the viewer.
This image stays in place until a new voltage pattern
is applied, which erases the previous image
and generates a new one.